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Study Summary

Soothers: an overview of the benefits, risks and recommendations

An analysis of the available literature and research results, which provide a summary of recommendations in regard to infant soother usage.

A comprehensive review of evidence and current recommendations related to pacifier usage.

Nelson, A. M. (2012)

Journal of pediatric nursing, 27(6), 690-699, 2012

Of all the benefits of soother usage, a reduction in SIDS cases is the most well demonstrated in studies.


Soother usage has been a controversial topic for many years and this has often made it difficult for paediatric experts to advise parents correctly. A variety of studies, often with contradictory messages, has perpetuated the ambiguity and uncertainty that surrounds this issue. The author of this analysis primarily aims to offer a comprehensive overview of the current recommendations and findings related to soother usage.


For this purpose, the author searched for studies dating as far back as 1990 on CINAHL and MEDLINE. The initial results were restricted to randomised controlled trials (RCTs), meta-analyses of RCTs and critical analyses of literature about soother usage. As well as this, the websites of professional organisations, manufacturers and consumer protection organisations, as well as text books, were consulted for relevant information.

Key Findings

  • “Of all the possible benefits of soother usage, a reduction in SIDS cases is the most well demonstrated in studies.”
  • Studies showed that the risk of SIDS falls by up to 60% when a soother is used at last sleep.
  • Sucking is a basic reflex for newborns and it helps babies to self-soothe.
  • “Frequency, intensity and duration of soother usage are decisive factors when determining the type and severity of all risks.”
  • Studies show that certain soother types could actually reduce the occurrence of misaligned teeth.

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