Scientific News

Soother Use and SIDS

Using soothers responsibly

Non-nutritive sucking helps premature babies

Soothers against cot death

Sucking as a psychological resource and the parallels with TCM

Effects on tooth position of a soother with especially thin teat neck

Soothers as a protective factor against SIDS

The perfect alternative

Soothers do not inhibit successful breastfeeding

The Benefits of Non-Nutritive Sucking

Advantages of non-nutritive sucking for preterm infants

Premature babies benefit from using soothers

Non-nutritive sucking and its effect on the time between tube feeding and breastfeeding in premature babies

Sucking relaxes babies

The positive effects of sucking and skin contact

Soothers: an overview of the benefits, risks and recommendations

Effect of restricted soother use in breastfeeding term infants

The sucking instinct and suck training during infancy

Studies confirm that soothers and breastfeeding are well compatible.* According to the current WHO/UNICEF guidelines “10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding”, hospitals should counsel parents on the use and risks of feeding bottles, teats and soothers.**

*Jaafar SH, et al. Database Syst Rev. 2016; (8):CD007202
**WHO. Geneva: World Health Organization. 2018; Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO